Leaving Home Sayings and Quotes

Leaving the nest can be difficult to put it mildly. Leaving the familiar for the unknown can spawn a whole lot of anxiety, but open up new opportunities as well. Step out of your comfort zone with the collection of wise and insightful quotes about leaving home.

Everything isn't like home. If everything were like home, there would be no reason for leaving home. John Hughes
Scream for help / When nobody is around / Who is to blame? / Us? For being partly sane / We're leaving home for good Jeppe Knudsen
Sometimes I think there's only two moments in a man's life: the one is when he leaves home Miguel Barros
Sometimes, when I leave home, I have things to do. But I don't necessarily do them. I never know what I'll do the next day. I live by the principle that tomorrow's another day. For me, adventure is always just around the corner. Edgar Morin
Sometimes, you have to leave home. And you've been there for so long, you don't know who or what you'll be outside of it. Edward Kitsis
The Valkyrie are great warriors. In our youth, we must leave home and fight in many battles until we have proven ourselves. John Sayles
There is a moment, a chip in time / When leaving home is the lesser crime Brian Eno
This is what happens when you leave home. You meet... people. Jules Verne
Well he's a railroad man and he leaves home very early in the morning. Jack Cunningham
When children leave home, they forget. Murray Roth
You get a hell of an education when you leave home at thirteen. Julie Plec
I'm so scared every time I leave home. Every time I hear a door open. And I don't know a single thing that I didn't know when I started! It's these times I miss my dad more than ever even if this whole thing is to stop missing him at all! It hurts too much. Eric Roth
A lonely person is at home everywhere. Shashikant Nishant Sharma
If you don't let me gut out this house and make it my own, I will go insane and I will take you with me! Jim Silverstein
The little piggy that went wee wee wee all of the way home should have used the bathroom before leaving home. Joseph Julius Bonkowski
We cannot nurture our lost self unless we leave home. John Bradshaw
We leave home by giving up our scripts and rigid roles. John Bradshaw
We were born ourselves. This can only be done by separating from our family systems designations and from our parents' beliefs and opinions about us. Jesus Christ was strong in affirming the impossibility of finding God, much less ourselves, unless we left home. John Bradshaw
Matthew quotes Jesus as saying, 'I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to put sons against fathers and daughters against mothers. John Bradshaw
Leaving home includes both physical and emotional leaving. John Bradshaw
Knowing how to enjoy going solo outside the home is just as important as living well inside of it. Eric Klinenberg
Young adults who live alone often struggle to take pleasure in certain mundane, everyday activities. Eric Klinenberg
Today there is an abundance of pop sociology that associates living alone with the rise of loneliness, the collapse of civil society, and the demise of the common good. Eric Klinenberg
The rise of living alone has produced some significant social benefits too. Eric Klinenberg
We have seen cultural acceptance of living alone has helped to liberate women from bad marriages and oppressive families. Eric Klinenberg
Living alone is an invitation to freely connect with others. Barbara Feldon
Living alone wins hands down in terms of personal blossoming and rewarding friendships. Barbara Feldon
Our children are supposed to grow up and leave home in order to cleave to their mates. Joe McGee
Our time with our kids at home is so short, and we have so much to put into them before the time comes that they leave home to start their own families. Joe McGee
All too often, though, most young people don't leave home with what they need to rise above life's challenges and to reach their full potential. They don't leave home with what it takes to make it in life. Joe McGee