Obstacles Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old obstacles quotes, obstacles sayings, and obstacles proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

The block of granite, which is an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong. Thomas Carlyle
Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind. Leonardo da Vinci
Braving obstacles and hardships is nobler than retreat to tranquility. The butterfly that hovers around the lamp until it dies is more admirable than the mole that lives in a dark tunnel. Kahlil Gibran
An obstacle is often an unrecognized opportunity. Robert South
Every adversity contains, at the same time, a seed of equivalent opportunity! Napoleon Hill
Every obstacle is a test. Dr Wayne Dyer
Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want. Marsha Sinetar
Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken. Adolf Hitler
To every obstacle oppose patience, perseverance and soothing language. Thomas Jefferson
The only use of an obstacle is to be overcome. All that an obstacle does with brave men is, not to frighten them, but to challenge them. Woodrow Wilson
You can either allow the obstacles in your life to be the excuse of your failure or make them the reason behind your success. unknown
Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together Robert South
No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. Voltaire
Sometimes problems don't require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them. Steve Maraboli
All problems are illusions of the mind. Eckhart Tolle
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
Every problem is a gift-without problems we would not grow. Tony Robbins
Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things. Henry Ward Beecher
If there are obstacles, the shortest line between two points may be the crooked line. Bertolt Brecht
The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. Ralph Blum