Schizophrenia Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old schizophrenia quotes, schizophrenia sayings, and schizophrenia proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

The thing is, I’m really not that much different from the rest of you. We all see, hear and feel things when we’re dreaming. I’m just someone who cannot turn off my nightmares, even when I’m awake. Cecilia McGough
The paucity of sympathy for those with schizophrenia makes it that much more of a disaster. Being afflicted with the disease is bad enough by itself. Those of us who have not had this disease should ask ourselves, for example, how we would feel if our brain began playing tricks on us, if unseen voices shouted at us, if we lost the capacity to feel emotions and if we lost the ability to reason logically. E. Fuller Torrey MD
It was as if single nights had the duration of centuries, so within that time the most profound alterations in the whole of mankind, in the earth itself and the whole solar system could very well have taken place. Daniel Schreber
Even though the Voices were far more intense in the hospital than before, in some ways they were less frightening. When I was in high school and college, they had sneaked up on me, blasting out of the airwaves almost without warning. By now, they had become almost familiar. I hated them. I suffered from them. But they seemed almost a normal part of living. I knew them. I understood them and they understood me. Lori Schiller
I tell patients that tranquilizers alone never cure anyone. They merely reduce the intensity of the symptoms and make life slightly more endurable. They create a better behaved, chronic dependent person. Only with orthomolecular treatment can the majority of schizophrenic patients hope to become well and normally independent. Abram Hoffer
As well as being one of the worst things that can happen to a human being, schizophrenia can also be one of the richest learning and humanizing experiences life offers. Mark Vonnegut
There are a number of things that family and friends can do to help a person with schizophrenia. One of the simplest and most effective is to create a positive environment around the person. Milt Greek
I thought of the voices as… something a little different from aliens. I thought of them more like angels … It’s really my subconscious talking, it was really that… I know that now. John Forbes Nash
I have schizophrenia. I am not schizophrenia. I am not my mental illness. My illness is a part of me. Jonathan Harnisch
In schizophrenia, the victory lies with repression. Sigmund Freud
Not infrequently the schizophrenic illness is precipitated in a setting of rejection in a love affair. Harold Searles
More than thirty years of intensive investigation of these problems permits me to make the general statement that in man every case of emotional neurosis or psychosis is the result of more or less conflict and confusion involving bisexual differentiation... Dementing schizophrenia is essentially a regression to the cloacal level of hermaphrodism. Edward J. Kempf
If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania, that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia. Margaret Atwood
If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talks to you, you are a spiritualist; if God talks to you, you are a schizophrenic. Thomas Szasz
The mad things said and done by the schizophrenic will remain essentially a closed book if one does not understand their existential context. In describing one way of going mad, I shall try to show that there is a comprehensible transition from the sane schizoid way of being-in-the-world to a psychotic way of being-in-the-world. R. D. Laing
When I have an imaginary friend it is called a delusion. When society has an imaginary friend it is called religion. Robert Pirsig
I was an only child for 10 years, I didn't start school until 8, and I didn't have a TV for years. So I found all these voices when playing with my toys. They're really my toys' voices. Schizophrenia comes in handy. Cree Summer
Self-sacrifice is not a symptom of schizophrenia. It excludes the diagnosis. Dr. Gregory House
As you already know, all the ideologies and religions man has invented over the centuries have all failed. But it finally reached this unbearable level when Christianity, Marxism and psychoanalysis created general and personal conditions that are conducive to schizophrenia. Curlyhead
A psychotic with convulsive disorder. They say I had childhood schizophrenia. I thought there were hidden messages in the colors of cars passing on the street. I started communicating with car sounds. And then the sounds turned into voices. Mark Bailey
Schizophrenia, I'm living with demons / I know they watch me when I'm sleeping / They follow me around watching every single step that I take / I think for me it might be too late. Gabriel Pro
Endless talking schizophrenia / Under the sheets I can't get no sleep / It will take more than a smile / I'm performing in clearest mirrors / Didn't want to shouldn't have to / But I feel it like the sun / It's an alarm in a submarine / I'm too old to say I'm young / Break your legs then force you to run / The next thing I see / Ask me why I'm looking so ill / I pick at the seams. Jamie Dunn
Schizophrenia / An inquisition on your self / Attack on your consciousness / Obsessive obsession of autopsies / It's a feeling you'll never shake / It's tattooed on to your soul / You will never again be free / You will never again know you as me / Fortress around your twisted mind. Dewayne Trevour Wiltshire; Thomas Daniel Branch; Thomas Lane Johnson
Rock yourself to sleep, / To the screaming symphonies that wreak havoc within your mind. / Rock, gently rock, to and fro- /... Rock, gently rock in your solitude. / Lock the door to your mind and shut the demons out. / Paint pictures of endless fields of wild violets blossoming / Where the voices are your friends- / Never let anyone take that away from you. Claudia Krizay
Based on my earliest memories, hallucinations, delusions, and bizarre thinking have always influenced the way I see the world. My condition has grown with me, and it has shaped the trajectory of my life. Schizophrenia shaped my brain and my life, but it certainly did not destroy them. I have achieved with my schizophrenic brain, not in spite of it. Rose Parker