American Proverb Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old American Proverb quotes, American Proverb sayings, and American Proverb proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

Men should be careful lest they cause women to weep, for God counts their tears. American Proverb
Women and elephants never forget. American Proverb
Marry a handsome man and you marry trouble. American Proverb
Women: can't live with them, can't live without them. American Proverb
Don't dare kiss an ugly girl— she'll tell the world about it. American Proverb
Opportunities, like eggs, come one at a time. American Proverb
Boys will become men, and then men boys. American Proverb
Once burnt, twice shy. American Proverb
A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense. American Proverb
If you don't believe in cooperation, watch what happens to a wagon when one wheel comes off. American Proverb
A dress not worn wears itself out. American Proverb
Indecision is fatal, so make up your mind. American Proverb
Before borrowing from a friend, decide which you need most. American Proverb
There's no one so clean that somebody doesn't think they're dirty. American Proverb
You can't play in the dirt without getting dirty. American Proverb
If you have wit and learning, add it to wisdom and modesty. American Proverb
Mother wit is better than book education American Proverb
Use your wit as a shield, not as a sword. American Proverb
Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. American Proverb
Wit without discretion is a sword in the hand of a fool. American Proverb
He that's carried down the stream need not row. American Proverb
Little streams make big rivers. American Proverb
Abundance, like want, ruins many. American Proverb
A crown is no cure for a headache. American Proverb
Crowning a clown won't make him a king. American Proverb