Evan Esar Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Evan Esar quotes, Evan Esar sayings, and Evan Esar proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

It requires a great deal of inexperience to be beyond the reach of anxiety. Evan Esar
Anxiety isn't all bad: at least it gives you something to think about while watching television. Evan Esar
Anxiety is like sand in an oyster: a little produces a pearl, too much kills the creature. Evan Esar
It's what people don't know about each other that makes them such good friends. Evan Esar
Some friends are habit. Others a luxury. Evan Esar
To keep friends, treat them kindly; to kill friends, treat them often. Evan Esar
A true friend remains a friend even when you don't deserve to have a friend. Evan Esar
It is surprising how many friends a man has until he needs one. Evan Esar
Canada's climate is nine months winter and three months late in the fall. Evan Esar
An anniversary is the day on which a husband behaves as he always should. Evan Esar
The most welcome surprise you can give to your wife on your anniversary is to remember it. Evan Esar
A married couple may reach their golden wedding anniversary without ever having thought of divorce, but not without ever having thought of murder. Evan Esar
Another man who doesn't bear a grudge is the husband who forgets his wedding anniversary. Evan Esar
A golden wedding anniversary is lots of fun and laughter, created in part by the original wedding pictures. Evan Esar
It requires a great deal of inexperience to be beyond the reach of anxiety. Evan Esar
Anxiety isn't all bad: at least it gives you something to think about while watching television. Evan Esar
Anxiety is like sand in a oyster: a little produces a pearl, too much kills the creature. Evan Esar
Most people are anxious to do a favor for those who don't need it. Evan Esar
She is so sure of getting her own way, she could even write her diary in advance. Evan Esar
The evolution of a new diary: double entry, single entry, blank. Evan Esar
Wars take longer nowadays because generals spend most of their time keeping diaries for future books. Evan Esar
Some people are such liars, they cannot even tell the truth in a diary. Evan Esar
The way of the transgressor is hard-for the police to find out. Evan Esar
Crime doesn't pay, but only if you get caught. Evan Esar
It takes two to make a criminal: one individual and one society. Evan Esar
Crimes will continue to be committed as long as those who do them aren't. Evan Esar
The battle against crime should begin in the high chair so as not to end in the electric chair. Evan Esar
Heaven lies about us in our infancy, and everybody else when we grow up. Evan Esar
Actions lie louder than words. Evan Esar
Half the world doesn't know how much the other half lies about it. Evan Esar