Sexuality Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old sexuality quotes, sexuality sayings, and sexuality proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Sexuality is a human instinct as natural as hunger or thirst. Alexandra Kollontai
Sexuality is possible without any understanding, without any meditation. Love is possible only with understanding. Compassion is possible only with understanding and meditation, understanding and awareness. Rajneesh
Human sexuality has been regulated and shaped by men to serve men's needs. Ana Castillo
Fear of sexuality is the new, disease-sponsored register of the universe of fear in which everyone now lives. Susan Sontag
Sexuality is the primary focus of our culture, and almost no one has come to resolve it. Frederick Lenz
Sexuality is something, like nuclear energy, which may prove amenable to domestication, through scruple, but then again it may not. Susan Sontag
However muted its present appearance may be, sexual dominion obtains nevertheless as perhaps the most pervasive ideology of our culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power. KATE MILLETT
Sexuality is an acceleration of time, a speeding up of evolution and a consciousness of intensity, of orgasm and ecstatic time. Time and sex are inherently part of the architecture of consciousness and incarnation. What's interesting is to realize that the most erotic organ is the mind. William Irwin Thompson
If sexuality is part of our inner essence, then it follows that there is sexuality in Heaven, whether or not we 'have sex' and whether or not we have sexually distinct social roles in Heaven. Peter Kreeft
Sexuality is not simply to be shunned, but redeemed. Albert Wolters
There should be no restraint on any expression of human sexuality. Unbridled sexuality is not immoral. In fact, it is healthful and good. Humanist Manifesto
It seems less degrading to give one's self than to submit to compulsion. There is something akin to freedom in having a lover who has no control over you, except that which he gains by kindness and attachment. Harriet Jacobs
Who I am is about discovering, accepting, and appreciating all of me, my spirituality as well as my sexuality. The two go hand-in-hand. As my spirituality deepens and broadens, so does my sexuality. Anthony Farmer
The power and energy that comes from sexuality carry a price tag. It's called responsibility. When it comes to sex, each of us bears responsibility for the consequences of our individual actions and behavior. Keith Boykin
Sexuality is considered a private matter, yet it has a powerful and volatile public social life. Tricia Rose
A lack of sexuality so total that her smart clothes and too heavy make-up made her pathetic; like an unsuccessful geisha. John Fowles
Sexuality is a great leveler; better it strips us of our mystery...Much more than our other needs and endeavors, it is sexuality that puts us on an even footing with our kind: the more we practice it, the more we become like everyone else; it is in the performance of a reputedly bestial function that we prove our status as citizens: nothing is more public than the sexual act. E.M. Cioran
Much of our most highly valued cultured heritage has been acquired at the cost of our sexuality. Benjamin Franklin
I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats, though. Elton John
Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision. Derek Jarman
I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me, it has always been a case of finding the right person. George Michael
Sexuality and sensuality are completely different things. Sensuality is something that you're born with. But sexuality is something I leave for my own mirror. Ricky Martin
Sexuality surrounds us like a dangerous aura. The same reverence that is given to the spirit is not given to the flesh. We have had a sexual revolution, but the sexual revolution only has made sex more pervasive. It hasn't granted the level of reverence and respect that it should have. Gioconda Belli
It still strikes me as strange that anyone could have any moral objection to someone else's sexuality. It's like telling someone else how to clean their house. River Phoenix
I have no objection to anyone’s sex life as long as they don't practice it in the street and frighten the horses. Oscar Wilde
Sexuality isn't something you create. It is between people, and then it just happens. Vicky Krieps
I started to be really proud of the fact I was gay even though I wasn't. Kurt Cobain
We live in a society that wants to label you with color, sexuality, religion, or ethnicity. It divides us, but it also allows us to find pride in our identity. Logan Browning
Sexuality is who you want to be with. Gender identity is who you want to be in the world. Hari Nef
I think sexuality, especially, is one of those fluid things where oftentimes we find who we are through certain things that happen in our lives. Cole Sprouse