Superhero Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old superhero quotes, superhero sayings, and superhero proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Wonder Woman isn't Spiderman or Batman. She doesn't have a town, she has a world. That was more interesting to me than a kind of contained, rote superhero franchise. Frank Johnson
We wonder why all superheroes should be rich. Couldn't they be worried about money instead? The more we thought about these things, the more we enjoyed what we were doing. Stan Lee
Superheroes are fascinating to many children, and we can help them know it's not an imaginary superself but each person's real self that does the really important things in life Fred Rogers
Heroes and villains have been essential parts of folklore and mythology since the beginnings of oral traditions and storytelling. Michael Uslan
The firefighters, police, and EMTs who rushed to the World Trade Center during and after its attack are superheroes. Michael Uslan
My own mother and father sacrificed so much to raise my brother and me, and they taught us life's most important lessons in the process often by example. They are my superheroes. Michael Uslan
Superhero is a figure that touches centrally on the likely future of humans. Robin S. Rosenberg
The superheroes mission is to fight evil and protect the innocent; this fight is universal, prosocial, and selfless. Robin S. Rosenberg
Superheroes are often referred to as 'capes', or 'masks' by the fictional cops and criminals who populate superhero stories. Robin S. Rosenberg
We love our superheroes because they refuse to give up on us. We can analyze them out of existence, kill them, ban them, mock them, and still they return, patiently reminding us of who we are and what we wish we could be. Grant Morrison
Superheroes represent a set of timeless values; their motivation to do good, their passion for justice and their opposition to evil are ageless and people have admired the pursuit of such values for nearly all of existence. Alex S. Romagnoli
The superhero has a mission to preserve society, not to re-invent it. Richard Reynolds
Wherever God chooses you to be, the superhero in you is needed there. Keith Brooks
A superhero is known for facing challenges in all arenas of life. Keith Brooks
God himself and Jesus are the superheroes who are motivated, who operate under a force that causes a superhero to never fail. Keith Brooks
I used to be a superhero / No one could hurt me / Not even myself / You are like a phone booth / That I somehow stumbled into / And now look at me / I am just like everybody else. Ani DiFranco
I'll be there to love you hold you / When it's time to let your fear go / I could be your superhero. David Michael Navarro
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero / Trying to save the world, but never really sure / I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero / Nothing more than that, that's all I really am. Matthew Gerard
Let me be your superhero / There isn't a place I won't go / Whenever you need me by your side / I'll be there, be there. Matthew Tishler
I believe there’s a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want most. Even our dreams. Aunt May
With great power, comes great responsibility. Spiderman
I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Superman
Superpowers, don't always make you a superhero. Michael Grant
The greatest power on Earth is the magnificent power we all of us possess… the power of the human brain! Professor X
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. Marc Brown
Do good to others and everyone can be a Superman. Superman
Every son's first superhero is his father, and it was the same for me. For me, he was Superman and Batman combined. Tiger Shroff